About GG..and FF too.
In this day and age, it seems as if everyone has something to sell you, show you, or tell you how you're doing something wrong with your life. Everyone wants a podium and an audience because they think they know it all, and that you NEED their advice.
However, I'm not here to tell you to wake up at 4 am to meditate, work out, and read 2 books each morning in order to be as productive as a CEO. My journey is not groundbreaking: I graduated early from college, took a job that revolved around money, and started a side hustle that incorporates my values of conservation, minimalism, and zero waste.
My goal with Financial Fives is to help you keep living a life you look forward to, enjoy the things that mean the most to you, and harmlessly incorporate unique ways to improve your financial situation. Get the book, lounge out by the pool or on your favorite couch, and take your time soaking up the content while you visualize how simple it can be to achieve Financial Freedom.
Get In Touch With Us
For all media inquiries, please Email: garygrewal88 AT gmail DOT com, or use the form below.
Financial Fives in the Media
Yahoo! / GO Banking Rates: 10 Ways You Waste Money Every Day and Don't Realize It
Nasdaq / GO Banking Rates
Yahoo! / U.S. News Money: Gifting Etiquette: How Much to Spend on 7 Types of Gifts
MSN Money: What Adds More Value to Your Home: Indoor or Outdoor Upgrades?
Business Insider: Start investing in mutual funds in 4 steps
GO Banking Rates: ​Before You Rage Quit, Consider These Financial Ramifications
CNBC: How One Millennial Built His Net Worth to $500,000 by Age 31
Bankrate.com: Poll: 7 in 10 changing summer vacation plans due to inflation
Making Sense of Cents: How I Saved $500,000 By The Age Of 31
Yahoo! Finance: How To Avoid An Eviction If Your State Hasn’t Extended the Moratorium
Side Hustle Nation: 10 Creative Side Hustles that Make Real Money - Part 4
Fidelity.com:When moving could lower your total costs
1500 Days to Freedom: 10 Questions With Financial Fives
Fiology: Remote Work Guide 2022: How to Choose Your Next Host City
The Balance: How To Create a Spending Plan
Inside Hook: The 5 Keys to Retiring Early (Even in the Current State of the World)
Just Start Investing: 14 Best Income Producing Assets to Grow Your Wealth
Money Saved is Money Earned: 7 Top Ways to Save Money on Groceries
Budgets are $exy: Zero-Waste Side Hustle: Renting Out Moving Boxes
Financially Alert: Finding FI Interview
Accidentally Retired: 5 Ways to Earn Mental Health Dividends – Even When Times Are Tough
Life Outside the Maze: The Top 5 Ways I Was Able to Reach a Mid-Six Figure Net Worth
Partners in FIRE: 5 Tips to Negotiate Your Salary and Make More Money!
Vital Dollar: 7 Easy Ways to Save on Moving Expenses
Money Buffalo: Five New Year’s Resolutions for a Happier, Wealthier YOU
Mile High Finance Guy: Could ESG Investing Fit Into Your Portfolio?
Wallet Squirrel: Seven Items to Consider When Creating an Investment Portfolio
The Financially Independent Millennial: 7 Questions To Ask When Buying a Used Car
Funny Man Finance: 5 Ways Social Media Is Terrible for Your Journey to FI
Authority Magazine: Gary Grewal Of Financial Fives On Modern Consumerism
The Best Interest: An Interview with Gary Grewal, the Author of “Financial Fives”
Haven Life: How financial professionals are thinking about climate change
Nonfiction Authors Association: What are some of the biggest challenges you face as an author?
Podcast Episodes
The Side Hustle Show: How to Start a Moving Box Rental Business: $1000/mo on the Side
The Financial Confidence Coach: Discovering Extra Money: Strategies to Boost Your Finances with Gary Grewal
White Coat Investor: Milestones to Millionnaire podcast - Financial Planner Becomes Millionnaire
The Mental Health and Wealth Show: How to Achieve Your Money Goals This New Year: An Interview with Certified Financial Planner Gary Grewal - Mental Health and Wealth
The Sustainable Minimalists Podcast: Conscious Spending with Gary Grewal
The MoneyFit Show: Becoming Money Smart In The Face Of Life's Challenges
Ordinary Sherpa: Is Travel Overrated? With Gary of Financial Fives
Beyond Retirement: Conscious Consumerism Beyond Retirement
The Dental Hustle: Gary Grewal: "Almost Dentist" turned Certified Financial Planner

Contact Us
Have something you'd like to share, or just get in touch? Drop us a line, that'd be fine :)